Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Daring To Dream

Tonight I sleep with an overwhelming sense of joy, and I feel unified to my fellow paisan as we stand together for a new course in American History. One era ends as another begins, the ladder charting a course set by the stars, a path that allows us to feel empowered to achieve anything that we set our hearts and minds to. Real change begins with a raising of the National Conscience, and there is no doubt that as a country, we have stood up to achieve such a level of unbound optimism about the state of the union. The politics of fear and negativity has been turned back at it's receding zeitgeist, and a new brand of legitimate debate has been ushered in to dictate the core values that every American feels. The age of Hot Button Issues has disintegrated into an afterthought, yet the real victory has been the response of the American to take the reins of their own fate. To understand that we stand on the precipice of History, and that we all exist in this context of the bright America that stands for greatness, optimism, responsibility, and hope.
We have come together not only to elect an African American to the highest office in the land, but to show the world that we are indeed the golden plains of unbounded opportunity. A refuge for the suffering, weary, and tired souls that seek shelter and justice. The gauntlet has been passed, and the challenge remains great. We have come together to elect Obama, not on the Merits of his skill as an Orator, or as a politician, but because he understands that we are all connected in the fortunes of our country, he understands that he is only one man at the helm of a country that teeters on the edge of radical extremists, both foreign and domestic. He understands thats America is built by the citizenry, that we are the shareholders of the future, and in that responsibility, comes great opportunity to rebuild our infrastructure, adjust the downward spiral of a choking environment, and to restore confidence in a floundering economy.
With great respect and remorse to the Senator of Arizona, who's service to our country, both in war, and within the realm of congress, has been heroic, historic, and groundbreaking, we recognize with great humility the life that he has so humbly led, fighting at home and abroad for the country that he undoubtedly loves. At any other time in history, McCain would have made a fine president, yet in this dark hour, his message seemed to constantly sink to the bottom of an ocean of revolutionary issues. The rules of the game seemed to change almost overnight, and in his paleolithic consciousness, he was unable to show the type of Blackberry type speed needed to compete at such a high level. The information age zoomed by him, and by the time it was over the Senator had barely gotten the Straight Talk express into top gear. The lack of any real message was disappointing, because it may very well be how a great man is defined. History remembers most what you did last, and only time will tell if the greatness of the Senator will be clouded by a legacy of name calling, and incendiary remarks that placated a hatred of anything different.
We have grown into our shoes as a country, not because of the issue of race, but because we have revitalized the National Interest. The notion that we can make a difference, whether on the left or the right, we do have a say in where we want the country to go, we do have a say in what our children can be, and we can band together to discuss and debate the issues that matter most, to understand what separates and unites us. This is the first step to building a better America. So tonight I sleep knowing that when I wake, my dreams do not die, they are taken with me into a new tomorrow.

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