Sunday, November 16, 2008


After reading in the New York Times of the proposed bailout of the “Big Three” auto manufacturers, I was confused as to what these companies needed the money for? One can sit down on any Sunday couch in America, and see that these giants of American ingenuity have created super mobiles that can climb up a rocky and steep incline without the slightest difficulty. Every day as I shuttle into work, up that steep slope, I am once again reminded of why I purchased this SUV in the first place. Who cares that I’m burning the blood of the earth at an unreasonable pace, these companies have afforded me the opportunity to go off-roading at my leisure. During one commercial, the phrase that was repeated was “speed and power,” and I remembered that I didn’t buy this automobile to get me from point A to point B, I want my car to score me touchdowns. This is exactly what these companies have given me, my very own all capable utility vehicle, with this modern masterpiece I can take over a small country, pull a load of logs to my friends who are building their own home, and most of all reach a top of speed of sixty miles per hour in 4.8 seconds. Car companies spend so much money telling me how powerful their cars are, that I assume that they must be selling at a lighting rate on a number of other continents, namely Europe, and Asia, where the people have been starved to death by higher emission standards, and smaller more dangerous vehicles. The people of Europe must be liberated from this modern day tyranny, a car that gets more than thirty miles to the gallon, is not only silly, it’s down right un-American. The companies need a bailout, so that I can be hit with another round of these fantastic infomercials about the promise that the country has made to burn every ounce of fuel that lies within the earth before those damn socialist Chinese thieves do. The thought of those grimy bastards getting their hands on my oil is maddening. That oil is a birthright to every American, all those born hereafter should be given a barrel of oil, and a .44 caliber pistol, so that you can shoot any son of a bitch who tries to take it from you. This is the American dream that our forefathers have given their lives to defend, and the “Big Three” are the grandfathers of that legacy, they are as or MORE American than other of our age old institutions. They gave us the Mustang, the Corvette, and the Explorer, we should give them our souls. If not now than when? The time to act is upon us, acid rain, wild fires, and grey skies are all waiting, and we should embrace the change in our ecological system that promises to choke us to death, and kill every one of us, so that like the dinosaurs we can go back into the Earth, for the ultimate sacrifice of making more oil. The future depends on it.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Daring To Dream

Tonight I sleep with an overwhelming sense of joy, and I feel unified to my fellow paisan as we stand together for a new course in American History. One era ends as another begins, the ladder charting a course set by the stars, a path that allows us to feel empowered to achieve anything that we set our hearts and minds to. Real change begins with a raising of the National Conscience, and there is no doubt that as a country, we have stood up to achieve such a level of unbound optimism about the state of the union. The politics of fear and negativity has been turned back at it's receding zeitgeist, and a new brand of legitimate debate has been ushered in to dictate the core values that every American feels. The age of Hot Button Issues has disintegrated into an afterthought, yet the real victory has been the response of the American to take the reins of their own fate. To understand that we stand on the precipice of History, and that we all exist in this context of the bright America that stands for greatness, optimism, responsibility, and hope.
We have come together not only to elect an African American to the highest office in the land, but to show the world that we are indeed the golden plains of unbounded opportunity. A refuge for the suffering, weary, and tired souls that seek shelter and justice. The gauntlet has been passed, and the challenge remains great. We have come together to elect Obama, not on the Merits of his skill as an Orator, or as a politician, but because he understands that we are all connected in the fortunes of our country, he understands that he is only one man at the helm of a country that teeters on the edge of radical extremists, both foreign and domestic. He understands thats America is built by the citizenry, that we are the shareholders of the future, and in that responsibility, comes great opportunity to rebuild our infrastructure, adjust the downward spiral of a choking environment, and to restore confidence in a floundering economy.
With great respect and remorse to the Senator of Arizona, who's service to our country, both in war, and within the realm of congress, has been heroic, historic, and groundbreaking, we recognize with great humility the life that he has so humbly led, fighting at home and abroad for the country that he undoubtedly loves. At any other time in history, McCain would have made a fine president, yet in this dark hour, his message seemed to constantly sink to the bottom of an ocean of revolutionary issues. The rules of the game seemed to change almost overnight, and in his paleolithic consciousness, he was unable to show the type of Blackberry type speed needed to compete at such a high level. The information age zoomed by him, and by the time it was over the Senator had barely gotten the Straight Talk express into top gear. The lack of any real message was disappointing, because it may very well be how a great man is defined. History remembers most what you did last, and only time will tell if the greatness of the Senator will be clouded by a legacy of name calling, and incendiary remarks that placated a hatred of anything different.
We have grown into our shoes as a country, not because of the issue of race, but because we have revitalized the National Interest. The notion that we can make a difference, whether on the left or the right, we do have a say in where we want the country to go, we do have a say in what our children can be, and we can band together to discuss and debate the issues that matter most, to understand what separates and unites us. This is the first step to building a better America. So tonight I sleep knowing that when I wake, my dreams do not die, they are taken with me into a new tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Divide and Conquer; The New American Political Strategy

After invading thousands of households with Robo-calls, slamming Obama as a terrorist, the McCain camp has taken a play right out of the Karl Rove playbook. The goal is to divide voters on irrelevant hot button issues, and to placate the fear that lives inside all of us. By calling Obama a terrorist, McCain hopes that voters will feel an overwhelming sense of patriotism, and put a notch next to his name on election day. Yet all that he is adopted is an anything but the economy, anything but healthcare, anything but real issues approach. The truth is that McCain himself is the terrorist. The objective of a terrorist is to strike fear into the hearts of a citizenry to force an over reaction. The fear mongering that McCain has displayed is both pitiful and ineffective, the majoriy of American people know better than to buy into this tactic. My question is, who is he going to terrorize? Do people fear that he will strap a bomb on his chest, and blow up an Ohio tour group in the White House. The idea is not only ludacris, it is insulting to the hard working Americans, who have seen their hours cut, lost their homes, and have gone into the hospital to find that there insurance won’t cover what they categorize as a pre-existing condition. We must guard against this kind of tyranny, the notion that we as a people must live in a “Kingdom of Fear,” as the late Hunter S. Thompson describes. McCain has driven a wedge into the heart of America, creating a radical disconnect between the people who live in what Palin describes as the real America, and the coastal elite. This, is all we have to fear!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Our Greatest Fear

At a recent John McCain rally, an older women bravely stood up to address a concern she had in her mistrust for Senator Obama, she grabbed the Mic, introduced herself, and said that she couldn’t trust him, because he was an arab.  John McCain quickly grabbed the mic, and proceeded to praise Obama, for being a decent family man, at this assessment the crowd began to boo heavily, their thirst for blood evident in their displeasure.  As I watched this modern day spectacle in bigotry, I was appalled at the hate and rage that seems to plague the supporters of the Senator from Arizona, and I almost felt bad that McCain was being booed at his own rally.  I could see the frustration on his face, as he struggled to get an angry venomous crowd back under control.  The weeds of racism, not pulled from the root, and allowed to re-grow and infect a new generation.  Perhaps these people can't stand a person of a different color who is smarter than them, or perhaps they fear the fact that he is of a mixed descent, part them and part something else.  The strangest assessment that they seem to make is that they do not know who he is, as if he fell from the sky, and onto the campaign trail.  Yet if anyone of these glorious members of the ignorati would have picked up a paper in the last two years, they would have most certainly seen his name mentioned a few times.  The reality though is that the game is over, the race that we are witnessing was finished long ago when the best brand in Democratic politics conceded to the goofy looking black kid from Kansas.  What we are seeing now is like when two great teams from the same league, meet in the game before the Superbowl, and you know that the winner of this game will certainly go on to the championship.  We stand on the precipice of that history, waiting now for those last crucial seconds to wind down and mark this into the books for all time.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Betting Football, The Trail Goes Cold, and Why Obama WIll Win in November

After going 6 and 6 in the bets that I placed this weekend on our new National Pastime, I was reminded why every season I bet Football for one week, and never again until I forget how impossible it is to cover the spread, and blindly throw money at a sport that is so unpredictable one would have to be hopped up on Benzedrine to think it a smart thing to do. There you are cruising along, when defeat is grabbed from the jaws of victory by some unforeseen event. Holding, fumbles, illegal procedure, a missed field goal, are all the events that culminated to make this week even, when I could have very easily gone at least 9 and 3. Betting football is a dangerous business, and those that do so have got to be considered just as dangerous. Which of course brings us to McCain, (Okay, maybe I brought us there) a true reformer the moment that reform is needed, always first into the fire to make sure he gets the just credit he deserves for fixing the problems we face, after we are left Face down in a ditch. McCain has been talking so much smack these days, that one would think the campaign trail was in Rucker Park. America’s real problem according to McCain, is finding out who this Obama character is, and what he stands for. Certain now that the fear that each American holds on to will drive their intuition and lead us into the protection of a broken old War Horse, who will do anything to win. McCain is playing a brand of Oakland Raiders football, rife with dirty plays, and trickery, yet with no real sustained offense. His ground game is led by “Simply Sarah”™ a true American Hero for adding an army of Christian Fundamentalists into the burgeoning category of the new America that is that shining city on a hill, yet not ready for the game that seems to move way too fast for her.
The mud is up to our ankles now, but one must be patient that truth, intelligence, and creativity will shine through, that’s why Obama will stand alone on November 5th.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Hey Nick, Relax baby.

So we all know the love that my most esteemed colleague Nick has for the Yankees, so one can only imagine the absolute disgust and mouth open shock I felt to hear him write off the Yankees ( To read those damning words “this might be the year the Yankees finally miss the postseason for the first time in 15 years.” I can only attribute this horrible and un-American jargon to what must be a Jameson induced Haze, brought on by some sort of weird and wired physiological KNICKS hangover. Spring is not even here and already “the vapors” have started to affect you. Hey Nicky baby, Murphy my boy, relax. Everyone knows it takes a while for that Yankee machine to get going, but once they do watch out. Listen Nick the basketball season is over, we’ve watched one of the most horrifying displays in American sport, but the KNICKS are not the Yankees, the KNICKS are an albatross, a testament to American Capitalism gone wrong, a multinational, multilingual, multifunctional, multifaulty, organization of indifference and immorality. I see in a haze you have somehow confused Stephon Marbury for Derek Jeter, Reynaldo Balkman for Mariano Rivera, Eddy Curry for Jorge Posada. Sure they’re not hitting like they should, but they will eventually and they have the pitching to carry them through these rough stretches. In the last ten games they are a respectable 5-5, obviously not the most ideal start, but a testament to a great staff that can hold it down when the boys aren’t “throwing the shoulders.” It’s called Defense Nick, and the Yankees have it. The KNICKS on the other hand play defense like, wait, wait, wait for it, no, I thought I had something, but the reality is you can’t put KNICKS and defe…..See I can’t do it I can’t put KNICKS and defe……into the same sentence. The metaphysical world of words prohibit it like all those other pairings that just do not fit, like Bush and Gay Marr…….. Hillary and Humil………or America and Medical Mar………… But hey, at least I tried.