Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Divide and Conquer; The New American Political Strategy

After invading thousands of households with Robo-calls, slamming Obama as a terrorist, the McCain camp has taken a play right out of the Karl Rove playbook. The goal is to divide voters on irrelevant hot button issues, and to placate the fear that lives inside all of us. By calling Obama a terrorist, McCain hopes that voters will feel an overwhelming sense of patriotism, and put a notch next to his name on election day. Yet all that he is adopted is an anything but the economy, anything but healthcare, anything but real issues approach. The truth is that McCain himself is the terrorist. The objective of a terrorist is to strike fear into the hearts of a citizenry to force an over reaction. The fear mongering that McCain has displayed is both pitiful and ineffective, the majoriy of American people know better than to buy into this tactic. My question is, who is he going to terrorize? Do people fear that he will strap a bomb on his chest, and blow up an Ohio tour group in the White House. The idea is not only ludacris, it is insulting to the hard working Americans, who have seen their hours cut, lost their homes, and have gone into the hospital to find that there insurance won’t cover what they categorize as a pre-existing condition. We must guard against this kind of tyranny, the notion that we as a people must live in a “Kingdom of Fear,” as the late Hunter S. Thompson describes. McCain has driven a wedge into the heart of America, creating a radical disconnect between the people who live in what Palin describes as the real America, and the coastal elite. This, is all we have to fear!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Our Greatest Fear

At a recent John McCain rally, an older women bravely stood up to address a concern she had in her mistrust for Senator Obama, she grabbed the Mic, introduced herself, and said that she couldn’t trust him, because he was an arab.  John McCain quickly grabbed the mic, and proceeded to praise Obama, for being a decent family man, at this assessment the crowd began to boo heavily, their thirst for blood evident in their displeasure.  As I watched this modern day spectacle in bigotry, I was appalled at the hate and rage that seems to plague the supporters of the Senator from Arizona, and I almost felt bad that McCain was being booed at his own rally.  I could see the frustration on his face, as he struggled to get an angry venomous crowd back under control.  The weeds of racism, not pulled from the root, and allowed to re-grow and infect a new generation.  Perhaps these people can't stand a person of a different color who is smarter than them, or perhaps they fear the fact that he is of a mixed descent, part them and part something else.  The strangest assessment that they seem to make is that they do not know who he is, as if he fell from the sky, and onto the campaign trail.  Yet if anyone of these glorious members of the ignorati would have picked up a paper in the last two years, they would have most certainly seen his name mentioned a few times.  The reality though is that the game is over, the race that we are witnessing was finished long ago when the best brand in Democratic politics conceded to the goofy looking black kid from Kansas.  What we are seeing now is like when two great teams from the same league, meet in the game before the Superbowl, and you know that the winner of this game will certainly go on to the championship.  We stand on the precipice of that history, waiting now for those last crucial seconds to wind down and mark this into the books for all time.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Betting Football, The Trail Goes Cold, and Why Obama WIll Win in November

After going 6 and 6 in the bets that I placed this weekend on our new National Pastime, I was reminded why every season I bet Football for one week, and never again until I forget how impossible it is to cover the spread, and blindly throw money at a sport that is so unpredictable one would have to be hopped up on Benzedrine to think it a smart thing to do. There you are cruising along, when defeat is grabbed from the jaws of victory by some unforeseen event. Holding, fumbles, illegal procedure, a missed field goal, are all the events that culminated to make this week even, when I could have very easily gone at least 9 and 3. Betting football is a dangerous business, and those that do so have got to be considered just as dangerous. Which of course brings us to McCain, (Okay, maybe I brought us there) a true reformer the moment that reform is needed, always first into the fire to make sure he gets the just credit he deserves for fixing the problems we face, after we are left Face down in a ditch. McCain has been talking so much smack these days, that one would think the campaign trail was in Rucker Park. America’s real problem according to McCain, is finding out who this Obama character is, and what he stands for. Certain now that the fear that each American holds on to will drive their intuition and lead us into the protection of a broken old War Horse, who will do anything to win. McCain is playing a brand of Oakland Raiders football, rife with dirty plays, and trickery, yet with no real sustained offense. His ground game is led by “Simply Sarah”™ a true American Hero for adding an army of Christian Fundamentalists into the burgeoning category of the new America that is that shining city on a hill, yet not ready for the game that seems to move way too fast for her.
The mud is up to our ankles now, but one must be patient that truth, intelligence, and creativity will shine through, that’s why Obama will stand alone on November 5th.