Thursday, April 10, 2008

Hey Nick, Relax baby.

So we all know the love that my most esteemed colleague Nick has for the Yankees, so one can only imagine the absolute disgust and mouth open shock I felt to hear him write off the Yankees ( To read those damning words “this might be the year the Yankees finally miss the postseason for the first time in 15 years.” I can only attribute this horrible and un-American jargon to what must be a Jameson induced Haze, brought on by some sort of weird and wired physiological KNICKS hangover. Spring is not even here and already “the vapors” have started to affect you. Hey Nicky baby, Murphy my boy, relax. Everyone knows it takes a while for that Yankee machine to get going, but once they do watch out. Listen Nick the basketball season is over, we’ve watched one of the most horrifying displays in American sport, but the KNICKS are not the Yankees, the KNICKS are an albatross, a testament to American Capitalism gone wrong, a multinational, multilingual, multifunctional, multifaulty, organization of indifference and immorality. I see in a haze you have somehow confused Stephon Marbury for Derek Jeter, Reynaldo Balkman for Mariano Rivera, Eddy Curry for Jorge Posada. Sure they’re not hitting like they should, but they will eventually and they have the pitching to carry them through these rough stretches. In the last ten games they are a respectable 5-5, obviously not the most ideal start, but a testament to a great staff that can hold it down when the boys aren’t “throwing the shoulders.” It’s called Defense Nick, and the Yankees have it. The KNICKS on the other hand play defense like, wait, wait, wait for it, no, I thought I had something, but the reality is you can’t put KNICKS and defe…..See I can’t do it I can’t put KNICKS and defe……into the same sentence. The metaphysical world of words prohibit it like all those other pairings that just do not fit, like Bush and Gay Marr…….. Hillary and Humil………or America and Medical Mar………… But hey, at least I tried.